If you love dogs then you might like to know why they tilt their head when you talk to them as well as other behavior.
10 Weird Facts About Dogs
Woof Woof TV shares an interesting look at 10 weird dog facts that you might find surprising.
The Best Invention Ever
An interesting look at why lightbulbs might be the best invention ever.
The Laws of Attraction
Neal Foard shares some thoughts on The Laws of Attraction.
Why Rivers Move
Grady from Practical Engineering shares an interesting look at the basics of fluvial geomorphology (the science behind the shape of rivers).
The World’s Loudest Sound
The sound from the volcano was estimated at 310 decibels.
Sticky Non-Sticky Substance
An interesting look at how adhesives based on gecko skin can hold huge weights without sticking to anything.
A Remarkable Invention
A look at the Olds Elevator, a new industrial invention in the 21st century.
Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far
Konstantin Kisin delivers a speech at The Oxford Union explaining in simple terms why Woke Culture isn’t the solution the world needs.
Tsunami Height Comparison
An interesting look at the height of various Tsunamis that starts with a comparison of wave heights.
Micro World
An interesting look at Micro World on a human scale.
Faster Than Light
A lone astronaut testing the first faster-than-light spacecraft travels farther than he imagined possible.